To dream that you sleep too late for something shows the anxiety you are suffering from. Perhaps you are having too much on your shoulders and afraid that won’t make it on time.

The dream in which you see yourself running late shows that you have too much things going on in your life. You should remove the extra work or responsibilities, otherwise you will get even more stressful. The dream shows that you are unable to relax even during your sleep. Sometimes running late may indicate your fear of someone in your waking life.

…memory of so valuable a friend.) The other extraordinary story to which I have alluded, I heard from what I consider unimpeachable authority. Mrs. Brooke, whom I have already mentioned, told me that she was drinking tea one evening in Fleet Street, when a medical gentleman was expected but did not arrive till late. Apologising for his delay, he said he had attended a lady who suffered from a contracted throat, which occasioned her great difficulty in swallowing. He said she traced the cause to the following circumstance. When she was a young woman, and in bed with her mother, she dreamed that she was on the roof of a church struggling with a man, who attempted to throw her over. He appeared in a car man’s frock and had red hair.Her mother ridiculed her terror, and bade her compose herself to sleep again; but the impression of her dream…

…returned upon his memory. He made an immediate search for the papers, and recovered them; so that Mr. Reid was thus, by the instrumentality of his vision, enabled to carry to Edinburgh the documents necessary to gain the cause, which he was on the verge of losing. Here the account ends.”I think a feasible explanation of the dream is, that it was in reality a case of unconscious projection during sleep, when the spirit of Mr. Reid was disembodied through the agency of his dead father, who, having something of such vital importance to communicate, was thus permitted to converse with the phantasm of his son on the super physical plane.Lady B., with whom I am slightly acquainted, once had a very vivid dream of this description. She had been left a widow for some time, and was contemplating marrying again, when she dreamed one night she met her late